Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Your fourth short story...

This week's (a little bit late) story is another doozy from the Israeli writer, Etgar Keret.  A different slant this week though, as it's actually an audio file.  It's an mp3 version of a public reading the actor Robert Sean Leonard did of the story "Pride and Joy".  If the name sounds familiar, it's probably because Robert Sean Leonard plays Wilson on the TV show "House".  He was also one of the leads in the classic film "Dead Poet's Society" and if you haven't seen it, get it immediately and watch it.  It's a cracker.

Anyhoo, enjoy this week's story.

Pride and Joy by Etgar Keret (as read by Robert Sean Leonard).

1 comment:

  1. I found this story hard to understand. I tryed to get a concept on what was going on but couldn't found one.Although from what I understood it sounded like an alright story. I would apprepriate it next time if you could please stick to the written stories.Thanks
